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Lilydale Structure Plan Information Session - 20 December 2021

Background information

What is happening in Lilydale?

Lilydale is one of the biggest towns in the Yarra Ranges and the gateway to the Yarra Valley.

It’s also one of our fastest-growing towns and in coming years, significant projects will dramatically alter the way the town looks and functions.

These projects include the level crossing removal and the development of the former Lilydale quarry.

We need a new structure plan to map out how Lilydale will look in the next 20 to 30 years.

The Structure Plan will use the significant community feedback we gathered for the Lilydale Place Plan, expert analysis and new comments from our community to guide Council’s decisions on the town’s future.

Once the plan is completed, it will contain an action list, including:

  • recommended changes to the planning scheme
  • key infrastructure improvements
  • capital works projects
  • advocacy positions for Council to the State Government, or public agencies, for issues outside Council’s control
  • further, more detailed work, such as precinct planning and urban design

Key directions

Based on previous consultation and research there are four key directions within the draft structure plan. Click on the blocks below to learn more about the current challenges and how the structure plan proposed to address them.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is a Plan that will offer the strategic basis to manage growth, facilitate change and guide infrastructure delivery within a Major Activity Centre (MAC) over the next 20 years.

The Lilydale Structure Plan will:

  • identify key infrastructure improvements such as buildings, roads and pedestrian and cycling paths
  • help us to decide on key infrastructure issues in Lilydale and the broader region
  • bring together a range of potential opportunities for how land can be used in Lilydale
  • incorporate our ‘place shaping’ projects such as the Lilydale Quarry development, the relocation of Lilydale Train Station, the redevelopment of the civic centre, the extension of the Box Hill Institute and the level crossing removal at Maroondah Highway
  • give us the technical information required to update the planning framework for the Lilydale MAC

The Draft Lilydale Structure Plan, sets expectations for the kind of development and improvements Council and the community wish to see in the area. The plan provides a framework to guide the private sector, the community and other government agencies to plan appropriate development that matches what Council and the community want in Lilydale.

Metropolitan Melbourne has a network of activity centres, Metropolitan Activity Centres, Major Activity Centres and Neighbourhood Activity Centres. Major Activity Centres (MAC) are places that provide a suburban focal point for services, employment, housing, public transport, and social interaction.

The Victorian State Government has identified Lilydale as a Major Activity Centre (MAC) that will group business, employment and housing opportunities together in convenient locations, with a range of other services such as education, civic, and community uses.

More information about activity centres can be found at

Lilydale’s existing structure plan adopted by Council in 2006, is now largely outdated, due to the high level of change that has occurred over the last 15 years.

A new structure plan is a chance for us to update our plans for Lilydale’s future with these projects in mind, and to check in with the community about how they would like to see their town grow in the future.

What are the main matters outlined in the Draft Structure Plan?

Lilydale Bypass and Traffic Management

Potential traffic solutions have been contemplated for Lilydale since the 1970s when the concept of a bypass was proposed to address traffic congestion. Since this time, Lilydale has experienced significant uncertainty surrounding the delivery of a bypass which has compromised the ability to plan for and invest in the redevelopment of Main Street. Public feedback from the Issues and Opportunities Paper indicated there is strong community support for a bypass in the long-term.

Based on this position the Draft Structure Plan explores the future road, traffic and streetscape improvements that could occur once the bypass is built along with improvements that could be done in the interim time period until a bypass is delivered, and how traffic can be managed.

Residential growth to provide future housing

Lilydale is growing and is expected to be the largest town in the Yarra Ranges by 2036. As Lilydale grows, the provision of diverse housing that meets the needs of the existing and future population is required. Building on the Issues and Opportunities Paper, the Draft Structure Plan identifies locations for additional and more increased residential development in and around the commercial land in the town centre. It provides guidance around the height and built form (look) that development will need to achieve.

The Structure Plan will inform any changes need to the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme to facilitate higher density development.

Community Centre Facilities

The community expressed a strong desire through the Issues and Opportunities Paper for spaces in the town for community members to meet and gather, including the concept of a community node near the new train station.

The Draft Structure Plan provides guidance about where the community node should be located, and what components it should have. It also considers a range of other gathering spaces in and around the Main Street.

Main Street Activation

There is potential for Main Street, Lilydale to become a more pedestrian-friendly space, with more tree planting, cycling infrastructure and better connections to parks and nearby streets. The Draft Structure Plan further explores the future of Main Street, and how its role and physical form will vary if a bypass is delivered, or alternatively if there is no bypass.

Over the past few years Council has engaged on many projects related to place or in connection to the Lilydale Structure Plan project – the findings have informed the development of the Structure Plan

The preparation of the structure plan process is informed by the Lilydale Place Plan, which was endorsed by Council in 2019, and created a strong vision for the town. The Lilydale Place Plan was prepared with input from the community.

Following endorsement of the Place Plan, an Issue and Opportunities Paper was prepared in mid-2020. The Issues and Opportunities paper explored issues that Lilydale is currently experiencing and opportunities for how land could be used in Lilydale. Feedback was sought from the community on the following key directions for Lilydale:

  • New Centres for the Community
  • Support a Growing Township
  • Improve Traffic and Transport Infrastructure
  • Create Inviting Streets and Public Spaces
  • Support Local Jobs and Businesses

A total of 483 responses to the on-line survey were received and 10 participants attended the online focus group.Read the feedback(PDF, 742KB) The findings have been used as a very important input into the formulation of the draft Lilydale Structure Plan.

Preparation of the draft Structure Plan has also included preparing background and technical analysis reports for traffic, economics, neighbourhood character, heritage and environment to assist with future needs and requirements of the centre.

A Community Reference Group (CRG) has been set up, who we will communicate with throughout the development of the Structure Plan. Meeting notes are available to download below:

The Lilydale Place Plan, adopted by Council in 2019, creates an overarching vision for Lilydale’s future. The Structure Plan now seeks to explore design changes to the town to achieve this vision.

Learn more about the Lilydale Place Plan

The structure plan covers the area outlined above.