Stay informed!

Be part of our biggest engagement yet! Follow this page to be updated on the project.

We want to hear your thoughts about living, working or being involved in the Yarra Ranges now and into the future.

Be part of developing the 2025-2029 Council Plan and the longer-term Asset and Finance Plans, that outline high-level priorities for Council, including how we manage our finances and assets. The goal of these key plans is to advance Yarra Ranges towards the future outlined in the Community Vision.

In this first stage of the project, we want to bring together as much information as possible from community members of all backgrounds, beliefs, abilities and ages.

As the development of the Plans progresses there will be other ways you can get involved, so make sure you click the "Follow" button at the top of the page to stay informed.

How have people been getting involved?

  • Survey

    Between 27 March and 8 May, we received over 700 surveys from community members across Yarra Ranges, in hard copy and online. We are working to pull together the information from these now.

  • Visitors to the Shaping page

    In the first seven weeks of the project, over 3,800 visited the project page to learn more and find out how to get involved.

  • Community summits

    Between the 15 May and 27 May we held 3 community and stakeholder summits with over 100 attendees.
    Members of our community came along and discussed one of the following topics: council service delivery, health and wellbeing, governance, tourism and emergency management and the natural environment.

What we've heard so far

The insights gathered already are priceless and will form the basis for the next step in the process of creating our council plan to make sure it meets the needs of our community.

Below are some graphic recordings from one of the Community Summits. More collated feedback will be shared soon.

What's next?

Updates on the 2024 Community Panel

Want to be involved in the deeper conversations? From the end of July a representative group of community members, will spend just over three days discussing and debating Council's priorities and tricky challenges.

Recruitment for the 2024 Community Panel has now closed.

Everyone who registered their interest will be contacted by the external consultant shortly.

Find out more about the Community Panel.

If you want to keep informed about the Community Panel outcomes, future opportunities to get involved and more, don't forget to '+Follow' this project (the big white button at the top of the page).