Housing Strategy adopted by Council.

On 11 June 2024 the Strategy and Neighbourhood Character Study were adopted. Find out more on Council's main website.

We appreciate you taking the time to provide comments that will help to shape the direction for housing in the Yarra Ranges into the future.

Highlights include:

  • Receiving over 5,200 views on Shaping Yarra Ranges.
  • 40 detailed submissions sharing your feedback on chapters in the strategy.
  • Engaging with over 500 community members at events, pop ups, webinars and focus groups around Yarra Ranges
  • Speaking to identified stakeholder groups including Monbulk and District Madcow Community Opportunities Workgroup, Yarra Ranges Township Network, Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee, Positive Aging Reference Group and Students from Mooroolbark College

The feedback received was considered and where appropriate, incorporated into the final Housing Strategy, adopted by Council in June 2024.

Read the full Draft Housing Strategy Consultation and Engagement Reports and related information on the Council's main website.

Final phase

Housing provides us with shelter, protection and helps with our wellbeing. Homes are more than where the heart lives – they promote social stability and contributes to the economy. And that's why we're asking for your feedback on our Draft Housing Strategy 2023

Over the next 15 years or so, there needs to be an increase of approximately 10,700 homes in Yarra Ranges and we need to ensure that we have planned for this and included your views. We need to ensure that our policies and planning regulations provide for the diverse housing needs for our community now and into the future.

The strategy includes an action plan which includes Planning Scheme Amendments which will provide the statutory framework needed to guide future housing change and achieve desired neighbourhood character outcomes.

How you got involved.

We attended the following events and had copies of the strategy and factsheets available for viewing.

Mt Evelyn Street Fair, Wray Crescent Mt Evelyn – Sunday 29 October 10-4

Kilsyth Festival, Elizabeth Bridge Reserve – Sunday 26 November 10-4

Lilydale Street Fair, Main Street Lilydale – Saturday 2 December 10-4

A webinar was held on Thursday November 9th 6.30pm-7.30pm

It was an opportunity to hear from Council officers explaining the Housing Strategy and its main directions. There was an opportunity to ask questions also.

View recording here

We held online focus groups on the following topics;

  • Neighbourhood character and environmental sustainability (Monday 27th November, 10.00am - 11:30am)
  • Housing diversity and affordability (Monday 4th December, 6.00pm - 7.30pm)

Read the draft chapters

Residential Framework -Finding the Right Spots for New Homes

You told us: People want new homes near shops and services, some higher density housing in well located areas, low density residential areas to be considered for subdivision, and options for downsizing in townships.

What we're doing: We've set up a plan to grow near shops, services, and jobs, especially in areas like Lilydale, Chirnside Park, Mooroolbark, Kilsyth, Healesville, Yarra Glen, Mt Evelyn, and Yarra Junction. We're also keeping an eye on not overdoing it in any one place.

Read Chapter 7 before providing your thoughts on the feedback form.

Neighbourhood Character -Keeping Our Neighbourhoods Unique

You told us: While there is a need for more homes, we don't want overdevelopment that ruins our neighbourhood’s character. People also want more green spaces.

What we're doing: We're proposing new neighbourhood character precincts for different parts of Yarra Ranges to protect what makes them unique. We're thinking about things like building heights, spacing between buildings, and adding more trees and gardens.

Read Chapter 8 before providing your thoughts on the feedback form.

Housing Diversity-More Housing Choices for Everyone

You told us: We need different types of homes for different people, including those with disabilities and multi-generational families. Some of the community want to be able to add tiny homes to their properties too.

What we're doing: Chapter 9 explains what kinds of homes we need, including for people with disabilities and older generations. It also discusses some non-standard housing models.

Read Chapter 9 before providing your thoughts on the feedback form.

Affordability-Making Homes More Attainable

You told us: We need more affordable homes and social housing, and we should work on solutions because things are getting worse.

What we're doing: Chapter 10 talks about these issues and how we're how we're planning to address affordability issues. We're talking to other levels of government about this.

Read Chapter 10 before providing your thoughts on the feedback form.

More environmentally sustainable homes

You told us: People want homes that are good for the environment and save them money.

What we're doing: Chapter 11 talks about making homes better for the environment through design, this could include issues like energy performance, passive heating and cooling, landscaping, and drainage.

Read Chapter 11 before providing your thoughts on the feedback form.

Infrastructure - Roads, Public Transport, and Parking

You told us: There needs to be stronger connections between how we plan for housing with planning for and delivering infrastructure.

What we're doing: We’ve identified our role in these issues in Chapter 12, found ways we can plan more effectively, and how improvements to infrastructure can be funded.

Read Chapter 12 before providing your thoughts on the feedback form.

Read Chapter 12 before providing your thoughts on the feedback form.

First phase

What you told us

In early 2022 we released a Discussion Paper asking for your feedback on important housing issues and this has now been used to inform Council’s Draft Housing Strategy.

You told us that you:

  • needed different types of houses
  • wanted new homes built where there is sufficient infrastructure
  • wanted more environmentally sustainable homes
  • wanted more consistency and respect for neighbourhood character
  • wanted more social and affordable housing
  • Additional information


    • Timeline item 1 - complete

      Housing Strategy Review engagement-Phase 1

    • Timeline item 2 - complete

      Draft Housing Strategy published and open for Community Consultation

      October - December 2023

    • Timeline item 3 - complete

      Feedback received considered and incorporated into Housing Strategy

    • Timeline item 4 - complete

      Housing Strategy adopted by Council

    Contact us

    If you have any questions or want to learn more about this project, our contact details are:

    Contact Information
    Name Design & Place
    Phone 1300 368 333
    Email mail@yarraranges.vic.gov.au
    In writing

    PO Box 105, Lilydale Vic 3140