
Have your say on the future of the 'Five Ways' Roundabout – Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Improvements

25 November 2022

image of roundabout

During the development of the RidgeWalk Masterplan, Council engaged an independent traffic consultant to complete a Parking, Pedestrian and Transport Study. The aim of the study was to identify issues that may be created by the development of the RidgeWalk network and propose actions to address these issues.

That study identified the ‘Five Ways’ roundabout as a high priority crossing location, with recommendations to improve:

  • Pedestrian crossing facilities on Mount Dandenong Tourist Road
  • Intersection safety at ‘Five Ways’ roundabout
  • Parking supply on Ridge Road, north of ‘Five Ways’ roundabout

Council was then successful in securing funding from TAC to further investigate these issues and in consultation with key stakeholders such as PTV and VicRoads have prepared a draft concept design to improve pedestrian and traffic safety at ‘Five Ways’ roundabout.

We are now seeking your feedback on the concept design. The key features include:

  • A pedestrian refuge island on Mount Dandenong Tourist Road.
  • Relocating the bus stop – currently in the middle of the roundabout – further east (approx. 25 m) on Mount Dandenong Tourist Road.
  • Formalising the gravel car parking spaces north of the ‘Five Ways’ roundabout on Ridge Road.
  • Banning right-turn movements from Old Coach Road.