As part of the ngurrak barring|RidgeWalk trail, we’re planning to upgrade several pedestrian crossings and footpaths across the Dandenongs. This includes a new pedestrian crossing at the Five Ways intersection in Kalorama.
Your feedback has shaped the final design for the Five Ways intersection!
Together, we have developed a solution that:
- Creates a pedestrian-friendly town for all ages and abilities
- Supports local communities and businesses
- Promotes walking rather than driving
- Encourages safer speeds for drivers
Follow the page to stay up to date as we proceed with detailed design and planning to get the project off the ground.
Round 2
Your response to the updated design
How we engaged
What we heard
Our response
1.We have engaged an independent heritage advisor to ensure the design reflects the character of the Dandenongs and works well with the existing heritage fabric.
2. We will work to scope and fast track the delivery of this missing footpath link, separate to this project.
3. We will proceed with detailed design and planning of the updated design to get this project off the ground.
The updated design
Updated design
Below you will find the proposed design for the area. You can click on the pulsing buttons on the image to learn more about each feature.

Round 1
What we heard and what we did
During the first round of consultation completed in late 2022, we received over 100 responses. Thankyou to everyone who took the time to give us feedback on the proposed design.
Your feedback has helped us understand what's important to you, so we made some changes to the initial design.
There were many suggestions to position
the pedestrian refuge island closer to the Café / Barbers Road. We investigated
this option however, as this would require significant changes to the intersection, this option was not supported by the Department of Transport and Planning.