
Doongalla Public Art Project Expression of Interest

13 October 2023

​Doongalla Forest

ngurrak barring | RidgeWalk, is a 39km cultural walking experience that tracks across the ridge of the Dandenong Ranges, marking the environment, landscape, art, history, and culture of this special region of Victoria.

Several artworks and historical and cultural interpretation will feature along the track with this next public art project taking place in Doongalla Forest, The Basin, a dense forest environment.

This will be a participatory public artwork. The community will have the opportunity to be involved at each project stage. Feedback from a recent community survey about the project has been collated and included in the brief.

Up to three respondents from this open expression of interest process will be shortlisted. Shortlisted respondents will be paid a fee to prepare a design for the Artwork according to the guidelines contained within the Brief.

The successful shortlisted respondent will be awarded the opportunity to design, fabricate and install a permanent artwork or series of artworks at the designated Public Art Zone location within the budget and timeframe specified within the brief.

For more information please click here.

Expressions of interest close 3pm, 9 November 2023.