Thank you for sharing your thoughts on wastewater management.

This feedback has helped to inform the development of Council’s Wastewater Management Plan.

This plan will be incorporated into an Integrated Water Management Plan, which is currently under review and will be considered by Council during 2024.


Did you know that Yarra Ranges contains approximately 22,000 active onsite wastewater (septic) systems - the second-largest number of any council in Victoria?

The Draft Wastewater Management Plan (the Plan) has been developed to assist with managing on-site wastewater, so it can be treated and retained with minimal risk to public health and the environment.

The Plan and related Action Plan identifies risks and outlines criteria and processes for inspections and assessments of new applications.

The Plan explains the parameters around Council's legislative and regulatory responsibilities and the collaborative partnerships with other key stakeholders, such as Yarra Valley Water, South East Water and various state government authorities.