Previously we asked community to share their thoughts on the Collins Place shopping strip, Kilsyth and used these suggestions to inform the development of a Draft Streetscape Plan.
Thank you for your recent feedback on this plan which we will now consider.
A final plan will be considered by Council and be used to inform future grant submissions, budgeting and decisions.
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View the draft streetscape plans below
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What we have previously heard from you
Through a wide-range of community engagement and consultation processes, including engaging with Councils independent Disability Advisory Council we received positive feedback as well as some challenges, and things that need some work.
- The park.
- Variety of businesses.
- Footpath trading opportunities.
Challenges identified
- Parking.
- Safety.
- Maintenance of the area.
- Lack of public toilets.
- Visitor accessibility.
- Signage.
We heard that available car parking spaces do not adequately meet employee and customer demand. We will continue to work with business owners on appropriate solutions including encouraging staff parking at the rear of the shops.
Identified orders of priority
- Parking.
- Safety & Security.
- Pedestrian Crossings.
- Landscape and Amenities.
- Signage.
Have your say on the draft streetscape plan
Collins Place Kilsyth, Draft Streetscape plan
Click on the icons to view proposed improvements
Share your thoughts on Collins Street, Kilsyth draft streetscape plan
Are you generally supportive of this draft plan ? Please share any thoughts or comments you may have around the proposed elements. Taking into consideration that some community feedback received is unable to be actioned due to external factors including Councils principles of place planning and the project scope of works.
23 July, 2023
andrewjeffrey says:
Affix an attractive noticeboard with a QR code onto the sides of the council rubbish bins to enable access to shop and community information
23 July, 2023
Rachelle says:
The plan's struck a balance between traders' concerns and those of visitors. The existing parklet is lovely, but could be maintained better
20 July, 2023
Julie says:
Business owner's like myself MUST be consulted. How long will my business have to close for? Remove all day and 10-minute parking.
16 July, 2023
Shelley Large says:
The previous upgrade when the toilet block was demolished and the garden completed was great.
Nothing wrong with it now.
16 July, 2023
miekealexander says:
Collins Place is already an asset. The wayfinder must show parks, facilities, playgrounds, toilets. They are hard to find in Kilsyth
14 July, 2023
Resident says:
Love accessibility, park, improved aesthetics. Perhaps parking needs more consideration for staff of these businesses
13 July, 2023
Jadey says:
Residential properties should not be permitted in Collins Place. It's a commercial zone and they are causing issues for the area.
13 July, 2023
Local says:
Short term parking restrictions should be placed in Collins Pl and along the northern part of Durham Rd to support the streetscape plan.
12 July, 2023
Anne says:
I am a client of Curves Collins Place.and coffee at Starch Cafe.quite often not be able to get a parking spot. All parking should be 2hr.
11 July, 2023
Daniel says:
Ignored the main point of public feedback, additional parking!
7 July, 2023
Karen says:
Revisit the design for more parking not eating/sitting areas. Cut the park area in half, add parking, shops have multiple workers & clients.
6 July, 2023
Bev Libbis says:
Is it possible that the several 10 minute parking bays can be changed to 2 hour the same as the other parking signs.
Changes in activity over the past two years, including the Temporary Carpark Dining Program, have allowed community to experience our local shopping strips in a different way. Collins Place, Kilsyth was a great example of this.
Local shopping strips play an important role in neighbourhoods; they provide convenience, business and employment opportunities as well as community spaces for connections. They can also be part of our local identity.
Currently, there is no funding allocated to deliver immediate changes. Creating a streetscape plan will help us determine priorities for the community and seek funding to deliver improvements in the future.
At this stage, things Council can influence or change include;
- Landscaping
- Footpaths and walkways
- Accessibility
- Street furniture
- Signage
- Lighting
- Drainage
- Bike facilities
- Gathering spaces
- Parking and traffic flow
Large infrastructure will not be considered in this plan, including;
- Toilets
- Shelters & BBQ areas
- Play equipment
This project is currently not programmed in Councils Capital Works program; however, Council will be seeking internal and external opportunities for the funding.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Community Engagement - collection of issues and opportunities
Timeline item 2 - complete
Concept Design development
Timeline item 3 - complete
Draft Concept Design engagement period
Opens June 26 to July 24
Timeline item 4 - active
Concept finalised
Timeline item 5 - incomplete
Council consideration of plan
Contact Us
Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:
Name | Design and Place |
Phone | 1300 368 333 | | |
Website | |
In writing | PO Box 105, Lilydale Vic 3140 |