Are you a young person aged 12-25 in the Yarra Ranges? Your voice matters. That’s why we’ve asked young people to weigh in on the priority categories that matter most to them.

The Youth Development Team (YDT) has taken your feedback and identified four key priority areas. These categories will guide our work for the next four years.

Your input will help shape the future!

  • Safety and Accessibility

    We will listen to young people's experiences and understandings of safety and accessibility through collaboration and youth-led co-design.

  • Empowerment

    By listening to our young people, we will create meaningful opportunities for them to shape decisions that affect their lives and work to eliminate systemic barriers to their participation.

  • Capacity Building

    We will plan, advocate, support, and partner with service providers to support initiatives that empower young people, their communities, and professionals to build skills and implement evidence-based strategies to enhance health and wellbeing outcomes.

  • Connectedness

    Acknowledging the challenges of limited transport and the diverse needs of young people in the Yarra Ranges, we will create opportunities to foster connections among young people, their communities, and service providers.

What we heard

Thanks for letting us know what you think of the priorities!

  • We got it right!

    Nearly 87% of people agree with the priorities.

  • Safety and Accessibility

    The most important priority is to listen to young people's experiences to create a safe and accessible community through collaboration and youth-led co-design.

    • What else?

      You mentioned things like more activities for young people, employment & training opportunities and safe & inclusive communities.

    How did people get involved?

    Between 3 January and 2 March 2025, residents in Yarra Ranges found out about the engagement and got involved in the following ways...

    Competition recap

    • We received 142 entries - Congrats to our winners!

      Thanks to everyone who shared let us know if these priorities were right.

      Congratulations to the winners of 2 x AirPods Pro 2, and 4 x $50 online gift vouchers.

      “Prizes were purchased with support from the Engage! Grant, a Victorian State Government funded initiative aimed at engaging young people across Victoria.”

    Community consultation

    Contact Us

    If you have any questions or want to learn more about this project, our contact details are below:

    Contact Information
    Name Youth Development Team
    Phone 1300 368 333

    Translation information

    If you need an interpreter, call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 to speak to an interpreter. Ask them to phone Yarra Ranges Council on 1300 787 624

    a group of white and black letters


    National Relay Service (NRS)

    TTY: 133 677 (ask for 1300 787 624)

    Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay): 1300 555 727 (ask for 1300 787 624)