Next Steps
Construction on the track is scheduled to be complete Saturday November 18th 2023. Surrounding landscape works will be constructed following the pump track in November and December.
These works are aligned with the Wesburn Park Masterplan. Visit the below for more information on the plan and background reports.

Why are we building a pump track?
After initial research and community consultation, Council was successful in obtaining funding from the State Government through the Growing Suburbs Fund to design and construct a pump track that meets community needs, is event capable and supports recreational park infrastructure for Wesburn Park.
This project is supported by the Draft Wesburn Park Master Plan.
Finalised Renders
Please find below the finalised renders of Wesburn Pump Track.
How to get involved
There are multiple ways for you to get involved:
- Check out the design concept
- Tell us your thoughts on the concept design in the short survey below
- Follow the page to be kept in the loop with this project
- Visit the drop in session on the 12th Decemeber between 2.30pm and 6.00pm to have a chat about the designs and view print outs
Check out the concept design
Initial Consultation
- In October - November 2021, Council undertook consultation to gather community views on existing and potential bike park facilities within the Yarra Ranges area to better understand how these facilities are used and what the needs of the wider cycling industry was for facilities of this type.
- The consultation revealed broad appeal across all age demographics and abilities for bike park facilities, including over 2,000 individual online surveys submitted through the consultation.
- The results showed that riders typically use bike facilities in Yarra Ranges every week, spend half a day (2-4 hours) per ride and are willing to travel more than 10km to access a bike facility.
- The top 3 reasons respondents like to ride were due to fitness, being in nature and physical challenge.
- The results showed that for Wesburn Park, 89% of respondents would like to see a bike park facility at this location. Of this, 72% of respondents preferred a pump track facility.
- The current concept design for the pump track was provided to the public at the same time as the engagement was underway, and the comments in the feedback provided are relative to that design.
- Through a successful application to the Growing Suburbs Fund from the State Government, Council was able to gain funding to design and construct a pump track that meets community needs, is
event capable and supports
recreational park infrastructure for Wesburn Park.