
Key strategic documents adopted by Council

29 October 2021

Council has formally adopted its Council Plan, Council Action Plan, Community Vision and Financial Plan, following engagement with the community.

The Community Vision was originally developed through an extensive engagement process with the community in 2016. The vision has been revised by community members to ensure it continues to reflect their aspirations for the coming 15 years.

The 2021-25 Council Plan is where the community’s vision (through Vision 2036) and Council’s planning processes meet. The plan and associated Action Plan were developed through deliberative engagement with community members and outlines how Council will work towards its strategic objectives.

The Financial Plan is informed by the Council Plan and the medium-to-long-term strategies adopted by Council. It provides transparency in relation to the financial limits that Council must consider in developing its Council Plan and Community Vision, informs future decisions and sets realistic expectations for community outcomes that can be achieved.

These four documents were released for community engagement, following a Council meeting on 14 September.