
Stage 1 - RidgeWalk (ngurrak barring)

20 February 2023

Works get underway from end of February on stage one of trail upgrades for ngurrak barring | RidgeWalk. This will involve the resurface of approximately 8kms of existing trails through the Dandenong Ranges.

Contractors will begin on the Trig Track in Kalorama and plan to complete the trail resurfacing over the next few months, weather depending.Trail improvements will occur to sections in:

  • Sherbrooke Forest
  • Toroa Track, Mount Dandenong
  • Alice Street Track, Ferny Creek
  • Janesdell Track, Ferny Creek
  • May Moon Track, Kalorama

Council and Contractors will endeavour to make the disruption to trail users as minimal as possible by completing small sections at a time and re-opening where possible of a weekend. Onsite signage will have the most up to date trail closure dates.

For more information, please contact our ngurrak barring | RidgeWalk team via email:

Ridgewalk (ngurrak barring)