Since Council endorsed the Community Engagement Policy on 27 April 2021, Council has delivered over 230 engagement projects across Yarra Ranges. The lessons learned from these projects, feedback on the processes from the community, internal focus groups and advisory groups, have informed the draft revised Community Engagement Policy.

The draft revised Policy meets Council’s legislative requirement under the Local Government Act 2020 (Vic) s. stating, ‘A Council must adopt and maintain a community engagement policy.’ It also strengthens Council’s commitment to meaningful, transparent, and appropriate community engagement, and clarifies the roles and responsibilities of Council in seeking community input to inform decision-making.

The policy has been endorsed by Council.

The Community Engagement Policy is now available on Council's website.

How we engage with our community

  • Online engagagement

    In the three years since Shaping Yarra Ranges started in March 2021, 31,246 contributions, from surveys to post it notes have been made by....

    18,288 people have shared their thoughts on ....

    239 projects, covering everything from roads and rubbish to playgrounds and pools and so much more.

  • Connecting with stakeholders

    Depending on the projects, the lead teams are also talking to face to face and hosting meetings with ....

    Impacted residents

    Community and township groups

    Service providers and organisations

    Other levels of government and more

  • Advisory groups

    Regular engagement with our Indigenous, Disability, Youth, Active Ageing, Environment, Health & Wellbeing and Rural advisory groups.

    Made up of residents, service providers and industry representatives these groups provide advice and input into a wide range of projects.

What you told us about the Policy

Stage 1 Review and targeted engagement

Over 18 months the following activities were undertaken to inform the Draft revised policy.

Stage 2 Broad engagement

Between 27 March - 5 May, 2024, the draft revised policy was promoted to the community for final comments.