Phase One - Issues and Opportunities

Phase One Consultation - Issues and Opportunities


To understand how the space was being used and what improvements were needed


Oct-Dec 2019


Focus groups and workshops for key stakeholders including residents, landowners and businesses on and in close proximity to Lilydale Road

Online survey for surrounding properties, the broader community, and emergency services (45 submissions).

Key findings are listed below.

What was done with the feedback

This feedback was used to shape the concept designs which were presented for review and feedback in Phase Two.

Key Findings

Phase Two - Concept Design

Phase Two Consultation - Concept Design


To seek feedback on concept designs


March 2020


Correspondence and meetings with key stakeholders including residents, landowners, and businesses on and in close proximity to Lilydale Road

What we did with the feedback

Feedback was considered and included where possible in the final concept design.

Phase 3 – Post review and check-in

Currently open for feedback

Now that the project is complete, we want to hear from you. We'd love to know what you think of the space - including how you use it, and what you'd like to see in the future.

We'll be looking at how we can continue to improve the space in coming years.

Head back to the main page to have your say!