Thank you for taking part in discussions around Lilydale Road, Healesville. Consultation on this project has now closed.
In recent years the way people use Lilydale Road in Healesville has changed, with an increase of pedestrians and visitors to the area.
In 2019, Council launched an upgrade project to improve safety, amenity, and access along the road. This included connecting footpaths, formalising parking spaces, improving drainage, lighting and street trees.
The funds to improve Lilydale Rd in Healesville came from the Federal Government's Safer Roads Initiative.
In 2023, we engaged with the community again and heard your feedback about the changes.
What you told us and what can be changed
During the consultation period 273 contributions made across two online activities. Two emailed submissions were also received.
The main concerns raised in the responses were:
- 67% expressed concerns about the parking (the angle, length and width, lack of bus parking)
- 54% raised concerns about safety (poor visibility, vehicle and pedestrian movements,)
- 26% mentioned the widths of the road and/or path
- 16% commented on the look and feel of the area, with both positive feedback and suggestions for more landscaping.
All of the feedback has been considered and a number of responses were examined.
The main aims of the designs were to:
- slow traffic down, making it safer for pedestrians,
- improve parking, by creating formal parking bays,
- provide enough parking for predicted visitor numbers,
- plan for future needs, with connecting and shared paths, and
- plant a streetscape that will grow and mature over time.
Therefore, parking will remain at the 90-degree angle. This is part of the safety requirements to force traffic to slow down and to maintain a similar number of parking bays.
Along with the 40kph signs, the angle of the parking means that the road users must be mindful of vehicles pulling into and out of parking spaces, forcing drivers to slow down.
For emergency services reasons and to assist the existing businesses on the road, two-way travel was preferred.
Australian Standard 2890.5:2020 states that '90° is the only angle suitable for access in both directions.'
Along with the Australian Standards, Council's Traffic Engineers also took into account the following:
- the purpose of the road
- the speed of the traffic on the road
- the amount of driveways/crossovers onto the road
- the line of sight of the driver on the road
- the line of sight of the person in the parked car
- the amount of space needed for the driver on the road to either slow down or pass vehicles pulling out
- the amount of space needed to pull out of the parking space without impacting other parked vehicles
- safety and buffer zones.
As visitors to Lilydale Road arrive and leave from multiple directions, 90° parking allows for safer movement along the length of the road.
While angled parking has been used in many locations across Victoria, current standards now take into account the context of the use of the road, the speed and volume of traffic, the types of vehicle/pedestrians encountered.
The path has been widened and is designed to be a 'shared path', for cyclists and pedestrians. This is so when the trail from Yarra Glen to Healesville is completed, there will be a connection to the businesses in this part of town.
The aim is to increase the number of trees in the street and make sure they survive. A special mesh has been used under where they are planted to protect their root system, while they grow. The tree bays need to be a certain size to protect the future root systems.
Nyssa sylvatica ‘Forum’ were selected as a pyramidial shaped deciduous tree.
Following community feedback, some alterations will take place in 2024 including:
• relocating three trees,
• re-line marking the bays to increase their width
• reduce the number of bays from 64 to 61
• rounding the corners of the remaining tree bays.
While the parking bays were built to the regulation width, we will increase the width of the bays to accommodate larger vehicles following community feedback. This does result in a reduction of parking spaces available.
How did people get involved
Consultation has closed
What do you think about the streetscape upgrades in Lilydale Road, Healesville?
Leave a 'post-it note' telling us how you are using the space, what you like or don't and any ideas or suggestions for enhancements you have.
24 March, 2023
Margaret Pike says:
visually ugly
road too narrow
dangerous 45 deg parking needs to be angled
urban development in rural setting
do planners have a clue?
22 March, 2023
Greg says:
Absolutely terrible! It's a dangerous & useless upgrade. It's too narrow & dangerous now, the parking blocks vision of on coming traffic.
21 March, 2023
Rob says:
It seems we have less parking. What are the concrete things all over the place.
18 March, 2023
Vonnie Frazer says:
It is absolutely dreadful and an embarrassment to Healesville. It is all bitumen and concrete. Whatever happened to a landscaping plan.
18 March, 2023
Grummy says:
Terrible. Narrow road with ridiculously wide footpaths. 90° parking that it impossible to reverse out without crossing lanes. Start again!
17 March, 2023
Wendy Chapman says:
Very dangerous. Once parked cannot get out as no view as to cars are driving past. Needs to be redone with angle parking.
16 March, 2023
Carol says:
Too hard to park in the 90 degree spaces, pedestrian crossing at McGrettons rd corner is dangerous and will result in pedestrians being stru
15 March, 2023
Bob Down says:
Parking a real issue. Too narrow, poor visibility, and to get out you need to stop traffic on the other! Road too narrow - dangerous!
15 March, 2023
Happy Jan says:
Purpose of works to improve safety. Not achieved - road is less safe than it was prior to works. Angled parks and wider road required 👍🏻
15 March, 2023
SpongeBob says:
Parking terrible. Access and visibility coming out of driveways and carpark is poor. Landscaping/fixtures not completed as per plans.
14 March, 2023
Jennie says:
What a disaster of a so called improvement, pavement is to wide. Parking should be angled, visibility not good reversing, road far to narrow
11 March, 2023
Beo says:
Put in a crossing at Maroondah hwy near Badger Creek Rd for all the tourists, school kids and locals.