What is the Residential Planning Framework?

The Housing Strategy will identify the residential areas where further development is supported. It will do this through a planning framework that starts with defining areas that will be suitable for substantial (major), incremental (gradual) and minimal (little) change. The level of change for an area is based on the services and facilities available, proximity to public transport and schools, landscape and neighbourhood character and any environmental constraints to development.

The residential planning framework broadly provides for three levels of change to allow for different types of housing to occur in the most sustainable locations. This provides certainty for the community and the development sector about where to expect residential change in Yarra Ranges.

What are the change areas?

These provides certainty for the community and the development sector about where to expect residential change in Yarra Ranges.
  • Substantial (major) change area

    Substantial change or consolidation areas are those areas where housing growth and diversity will be encouraged at increased densities. These areas are intended to accommodate apartments and higher density housing due to their proximity to services, transport and education and infrastructure to support higher density housing.

  • Incremental (gradual) change areas

    Incremental change areas are those that can accommodate some housing growth. These are the hinterland or areas outside consolidation (substantial change) areas where infill housing growth in the form of units, townhouses, and small-scale apartments will be encouraged.

  • Minimal (low) change area

    These are the areas that can expect a low level of housing development- predominately unit type - that is in keeping with the surrounding area. They are generally outlying residential areas.

Are there any 'no change' areas?

Some Neighbourhood Residential zone areas have significant landscape or environmental values or are subject to environmental risk. In these areas no further change is allowed by restricting subdivision.

Low Density Residential zoned areas are also areas where no change is supported.

Are 'change areas' the same as planning zones?

The change areas provide the basis for the zones, overlays, and other controls in the Planning Scheme to give effect to the desired outcomes. The residential zones will determine the level of change in an area but are further refined by planning overlays to reflect the local conditions. Overlays manage the scale of design of development and can identify constraints.

The Residential Growth Zone is where substantial change will be encouraged. Only 2% of Yarra Ranges land zoned for housing is in the Residential Growth Zone. High-density residential development can also occur in the Commercial zone above retail and office space.

Areas in the General Residential Zone can expect incremental (gradual) change, which accounts for just over 5% of land zoned for housing in Yarra Ranges

Neighbourhood Residential zoned areas can expect minimal change and around just over half of residential zoned land is in this zone.