Preferred future character
The foothill incremental areas will change gradually, displaying a mix of development styles with some existing homes to be kept.
Future homes will be designed and placed in response to the terrain and existing landscape.
Future development will continue to keep the openness between buildings without dominating the streetscapes.
Vistas to distant ranges and views to the valley and treetops will be kept allowing new canopy trees in front and rear setbacks. Streets are sealed but with inconsistent footpaths, and main landscape features or buildings are less obvious in the streetscapes.
Character Objectives
The key preferred character outcomes for these areas look:
- To maintain the largely low-rise homes in a forest setting
- To maintain the existing subdivision pattern
- To maintain the existing street and rear setbacks
- To ensure new buildings respond to the landform and sloping sites and support the varied street profile
- To encourage keeping existing landscape in front and rear setbacks
- To make sure enough space is provided for substantial new landscape planting in front and rear setbacks
- To respect and maintain views to the landscape backdrop, characterised by panoramic vistas and treetop views
- To reduce visibility of homes from public areas
Preferred future character by address
You can also search for your address to find the preferred future character for your specific area.
**The description above has been simplified for this engagement. The same description in the Neighbourhood Character Study (NCS) and Discussion Paper uses technical planning terms but the meaning is the same in both.
Specific guidelines within each preferred future character area are included in the NCS.