Broader Community Engagement Survey

The Broader Community Engagement Survey invites business, industry, community and residents to help shape the Economic Development Strategy for 2022-2032.

The information gathered will work towards creating the framework to guide Yarra Ranges Council to facilitate economic growth, build regional competitiveness and strengthen business resilience, create jobs and a diverse business environment, attract investment and improve liveability of the Yarra Ranges community and townships.

A 10-year vision for Economic Strategy with a 4-year action plan, will provide clear, measurable actions that will be reviewed annually.

Patrons enjoying Yarra Ranges wine and service.

Privacy and Terms and Conditions

The information requested on this survey is being collected by Yarra Ranges Council for the purpose of obtaining feedback from the Yarra Ranges community relating to the Renewal of Councils Economic Development Strategy and will not be otherwise disclosed without your consent or as required or permitted by law. This information will be used by Council for the purpose of informing the development of Council’s Economic Development Strategy Renewal and will not be otherwise disclosed without your consent or as required or permitted by law. Your Personal Information will only be used by the Economic development and Investment Team and individuals who participate in the survey will not be identified in reporting.

Requests for access and/or correction should be made initially to the Economic Development and Investment Team.

Your participation is voluntary. By completing the survey you consent for Council to use the information you provide for the purposes mentioned above.

Thank you for your valued participation.

How to stay connected?

Stay connected by following the project.

You can also stay connected with all business and industry related information by signing up to our fortnightly eNewsletter.