The Strategy was adopted by Council on 22 November. Thank you again for your participation and we look forward to delivering the outcomes with you.

Let us walk you through the Economic Development Strategy

Whether you live or work in the Yarra Ranges, our local economy impacts your day-to-day life.

The Economic Development Strategy provides a framework that will guide Council in improving our economic growth by creating jobs and diverse business environments. It will help us attract investment, strengthening business resilience whilst also building regional competitiveness. The strategy will also improve the liveability of our Yarra Ranges community.

We want to competitively position Yarra Ranges as a desirable place to live, invest and visit through identifying economic development opportunities, and balancing the needs of our diverse community. Setting a 10-year Economic Strategy vision with a 4-year action plan we can provide clear measurable actions that will be renewed annually.

We've heard from our local community of businesses, residents and stakeholders throughout the journey of this strategy.

Through this collective feedback, we identified four key priority areas that will allow us to focus our strategic direction:

  • Identity, leadership and collaboration
  • Trade, commerce and workforce capability
  • Investment attraction
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship

During our initial consultation a clear sense of local pride and love for the diverse and beautiful Yarra Ranges environment was evident and the desire for sustainable, purpose-driven economic growth, growth that balances environment, social wellbeing and economic needs.

Moving towards a regenerative economy will help us achieve this.

A regenerative economy is concerned less with growth for growths sake and more with building a sustainable economy that purposefully meets the needs of both people and the environment.

Our regenerative principles are:

  • Leaving the planet in better shape than the status quo; looking beyond net-zero emissions to a net-positive impact on the planet and on our community
  • Respecting and reflecting community values
  • Supporting local efforts that enable the environment, communities, businesses, and culture to thrive
  • Drawing on the knowledge of Indigenous Australians and their connection to Country
  • Embracing systemic change aligned with principles of a circular economy

To learn more about what we've done please visit The journey of the Economic Development Strategy.

Related Documents


Thank you for having your say!

We asked our community to leave feedback on the Economic Development Strategy. Below are some of the post-it notes with ideas, suggestions and comments.

11 September, 2022

Rob Hay says:

The Upper Yarra River Reserve CoM have hosted a series of Workshops about Regenerative Tourism and would like send you our document.

7 September, 2022

Edna says:

Towards a regenerative Yarra Ranges? How? When so much subdivision of blocks create nightmare traffic, less greenery and more concrete.

5 September, 2022

anonymous says:

Please give money to redo the belgrave arcade it looks so dreary and drives away businesses and customers. this would support economic growt

30 August, 2022

Jane says:

Low Impact Tourism: How do we identify each towns transport & people carrying capacities? How do we ensure knowledge around bushfire risks?

25 August, 2022

Tony says:

Better controls on roadside traders. They're 'cherry picking' locations and hurting businesses that invest in staff and communities.

23 August, 2022

Tracy I says:

Urban Agriculture needs to be added to improve equity, gourmet food/wine will not feed the locals. Agriculture of vegetables has decline

23 August, 2022

Sam says:

When will you clear the parks and roads between Monbulk and Kallista. Its an absolute disgrace and overgrown and ugly! LAZINESS AT ITS BEST

22 August, 2022

Steve says:

SOYR Google Search History "How to develop an economy with goat tracks for roads?"

22 August, 2022

Steve says:

SOYR Google search "How to develop an economy with little to no internet/mobile coverage?"

22 August, 2022

Adam says:

More genuine partnership and collaboration opportunities pursued (across all aspects from health, education, corporate, community etc)

21 August, 2022

Jeff, Olinda says:

Some parts of the Ranges get lots of attention. Other parts are neglected. Seems that priorities driven by loudest voices not objectivity.

21 August, 2022

Amanda says:

What about safe homeless shelters, especially for the disabled and women since affordable housing has become worse in the Yarra Ranges.

Project Updates

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Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Yarra Ranges Business
Phone 1300 368 333


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Business and Industry Engagement Survey

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Group Engagement Sessions

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Broader Community Engagement Survey

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Draft Strategy for Consultation

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Final Strategy for Council Endorsement