The Community Engagement Roadshow set up at the Valley Market which is held in the grounds of ECOSS at Wesburn.

The afternoon was filled with drizzle but we still had some great conversations with the local community!

We were joined by officers from the Economic Development team to chat about the Upper Yarra Local Development Strategy

This project, currently open for community consultation, project will identify and develop ideas for innovation and diversification that support local growth and bring long-term economic, environmental and social benefits to the Upper Yarra.

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) has partnered with RMIT University, and are supported by Council to deliver the project.

We also chatted to locals about other projects currently open for consultation and how to stay best connected to Council news & projects - hint, sign up to receive the Yarra Ranges Local in electronic form or call us on 1300 368 333 to subscribe and get a hard copy format posted out to you quarterly.

Also signing up here - Shaping Yarra Ranges, where you can nominate which areas & what type of project you will be notified about - means you will never miss a Community Engagement opportunity.

The Valley Markets at ECOSS are held every Friday night from 3.30pm-6pm

ECOSS is an environmental and educational not-for-profit community hub committed to showcasing sustainable solutions - find out more

Image of roadshow set up under a shelter with A frames & easels displaying information.