We were delighted to be invited back again to this day of celebrations by our local Chin Community.

It was a very hot & windy day, but that didn't stop the community coming out to share their customs, traditions, merchandise, food and traditional dance & costume together. We were joined today by our Early Years team who had many wonderful conversations with families, whilst sharing a great activity making and decorating paper bag kite’s, with Chin flags, paints and streamers. Our Youth Development team were chatting about priorities for the next strategy and the Design & Place team had questions to pose around how you enjoy free time outside!

What we heard;

  • Having outdoor space to enjoy in your free time is very important to you.
  • You enjoy sports - with Soccer, Sepak Takraw, basketball & netball being very popular.
  • Having space to safely walk, run and for bike riding is important to you.
  • You also love having spaces to enjoy picnics, bbq's or spaces to gather with family and friends.

Thank you to our vibrant Chin Community for having us share your special day.