Thank you for sharing for your thoughts on how Yarra Ranges can be a more inclusive, accessible and equitable place for everyone!

Through completing our survey, adding a photo or comment or joining one of our recent focus groups, we have heard from many members of our community who live, study, work or play in Yarra Ranges and have a disability, a long-term health condition and/or chronic illness, or are unpaid carers or service provider.

Follow this page to stay updated on this project.

Our vision is that Yarra Ranges is a place where people with disability can fulfil their potential as equal citizens now and into the future.

The current Equity Access and Inclusion Strategy (Disability Action Plan) is coming to an end. We are reviewing the actions in that plan and developing a new Strategy, with an updated name, for the future. We want your feedback on how accessible you find our infrastructure, facilities, communications and services, and any suggestions for improvement. This will help us identify key themes and priorities, to better understand and meet the needs and expectations of our diverse community.

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