Goal 1: Information and communication from Council is accessible to everyone in our community and supports equitable participation and inclusion in civic life.

  • Council’s website features an Accessibility Menu, allowing users to tailor web content to their accessibility preferences.
  • Staff provided guidance and training in accessible communication.
  • Key documents available in accessible formats, and feature images that represent individuals with disabilities and promote diversity and inclusion.

Goal 2: Council buildings and infrastructure are accessible to everyone in our community.

  • All renovations and new constructions of Council building adhere to DDA accessibility requirements.
  • Some highlights of builds and renovations include Narre Warren East Pavilion Change Room Upgrade, Belgrave Hub, Mt Evelyn Pavilion, Lilydale Depot, Monbulk Pavilion, Millgrove Community Sporting Pavilion, 5 Changing Places facilities, Mooroolbark Community Centre
  • All Council play space projects incorporate at least one piece of equipment that caters to people of all ages and abilities.

Goal 3: Yarra Ranges is an inclusive community where all citizens can participate equally.

  • $353,778 of community grants awarded, aligned with Access, Equity and Inclusion Strategy goals.
  • Council’s Integrated Transport Strategy 2020-2040 commits to advocating to State and Federal Governments to deliver reliable, accessible transport options.
  • International Day of People with Disability event delivered annually to recognise and celebrate the contributions and achievements of local people with disability
  • Disability Inclusion newsletter distributed monthly.
  • Council-owned leisure centres, provide inclusive recreation opportunities for the whole community.
  • 13 NDIS forums delivered in partnership with community.
  • 3 forums facilitated to encourage local business to consider the benefits of accessible tourism for business growth.
  • Monthly Pathways for Carers walks operating in Healesville and Mt Evelyn, to support information provision, recreation and social connection for unpaid carers.
  • $400,000 funding to 11 Neighbourhood Houses promoting social connection and a sense of belonging.

Goal 4: Council’s commitment to equity, access and inclusion is demonstrated in all aspects of the business.

  • Disability Awareness Training offered to all Council employees.
  • Council’s Early Childhood Services staff completed autism awareness training.
  • Service Centre staff trained in the use of inclusive language and accessible communication tools.
  • Officer consult with the Disability Advisory Committee on all major strategies and plans.
  • Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) workshops delivered to individuals with disabilities, their unpaid carers, as well as those living alone or requiring extra assistance.
  • Partnership entered with Job Access to drive disability initiatives and build disability confidence.
  • Simplified recruitment application process, font size increased and explicit wording around reasonable adjustments added to job ads.