Wandin North Town Centre Masterplan

Wandin North's Town Centre has a variety of businesses serving Wandin's locals and visitors.

We have created a Town Centre Masterplan to reinvigorate the public areas in Wandin North's Shopping Precinct (located close to PJ Mould Community Park), the Greenglades Court Reserve and connections to the Warburton Trail.

Council has now adopted the Wandin North Masterplan, which outlines plans to improve the town centre over the next 10 years, assessing car parking, signage, street furniture, footpaths and open spaces in the town.

The Masterplan will guide Council's decision-making for public space and streetscape improvements and support advocacy with government agencies, helping us maximise opportunities that reflect our community's values. It comes after extensive community engagement and feedback where we asked for your input on how we can make Wandin North's Town Centre a welcoming, thriving area for the community and visitors alike and also asked for ideas about a Council managed parcel of land next to the Warburton Rail Trail.

Below, you can follow the story of the engagement and see the final Masterplan.

Final engagement summary report

Based on the second round of engagement, this report provides an overview of how we heard from the community, what type of feedback was received and the next steps.

Second Round Engagement and Draft Masterplan

The subject for the Masterplan encompasses the shopping precinct, PJ Mould Reserve, the Greenglades Court Reserve, connections to the Warburton Rail Trail and the vacant parcel of land next to the Warburton Rail Trail and Warburton Hwy.

The Masterplan is structured in 4 parts; Introduction, Context, Precinct Analysis and Masterplan.

  • Introduction includes the Vision, Purpose and the extent of the Masterplan area.
  • Context provides background information with topography/landscape character and traffic & pedestrian movement.
  • Precinct Analysis shows the Masterplan area has been divided into 3 precincts:
    • 1. Town Centre Precinct;
    • 2. Link Precinct; and
    • 3. Field Precinct.
  • Each precinct is further analysed with key issues identified with the engagement.
    • Masterplan section includes proposed design initiatives on each precinct.
    • Town Centre Precinct is presented with a plan, section and 3 perspective sketches of key locations.
    • The Field Precinct is shown with a plan and 2 sections.
    • Link Precinct is shown with a plan and a section. Proposed street tree species and Costings pages will follow these

Members of the Urban Design and Landscape Architecture Team will be available to answer any questions or collect your feedback about this draft plan at the following locations - no bookings are required:

  • Wednesday 9 November - Wandin North Football, Cricket and Netball Rooms, 11.00am-7.00pm
  • Thursday 17 November - Main Street near IGA, 10.00am-2.00pm

** Guided walkthrough of the project site at 11am and 1pm on the 17 November. No bookings required, please arrive at least 10 minutes before the walk.

  • Monday 28 November - Wandin North Football, Cricket and Netball Rooms, 11.00am-7.00pm

View or download the Draft Masterplan

What you told us

Initial community engagement involved doorknocking to traders and business owners, a website, webinar and emails to residents. You can view the initial engagement report below. There is a consistent theme from community to see the town centre improved to become a thriving heart for locals and businesses. The Draft Masterplan will provide a commitment from Council towards these outcomes and becomes a solid foundation from which to advocate for projects.

First round engagement

Watch the Online Community Workshop

A Town Centre Masterplan is a way that Council and the community can work together to design a blueprint for improving their town.

A Town Centre Masterplan can include improving:

  • Landscaping
  • Footpaths and walkways
  • Outdoor Furniture
  • Signage directing people to town facilities
  • Drainage
  • Bike facilities

Improving accessibility as well as the look and feel of the Town Centre can create a lively, welcoming space for the community to thrive in.

The Wandin North Town Centre Masterplan project is a result of the community's advocacy to see the Town Centre become a thriving hub and further support for our local businesses.

The Town Centre Masterplan will guide Council's decision-making; helping us maximise opportunities that reflect our community's values.

Once the plan is finalised, this will provide input to Council priorities for funding. There may be some limited funding available to achieve some quick wins.

Consulting local businesses. We know you are busy, but your ideas are essential for this project. We want to know how we can best support your businesses by improving the surrounding landscape.

A community online workshop will be an opportunity to meet with us in small groups for a more focused discussion. We are also keen to share some ideas from other places that might work in Wandin.

A dedicated webpage to help us collect your ideas and suggestions.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Consultation with local traders

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    First round community engagement

    16 March - 10 April 2022

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Draft Plan developed

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Draft plan open for engagement

    Opened Monday 7 November 2022 - Closed Sunday 4 December 2022

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Engagement summary report complete

    March 2023

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Final Plan published

    Approved by Council 25 July 2023

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Urban Design and Landscape Architecture Team
Phone 1300 368 333
Email designandplace@yarraranges.vic.gov.au
In writing

PO Box 105, Lilydale Vic 3140