Thank you for your recent feedback which has helped to inform this project.
We received 52 responses to the Street Tree Concept. Approximately 75% of respondents told us they were essentially happy with the concept. In response to the feedback received, the following changes have been made to tree selections:
- One Red Oak (Quercus rubra) has been included for planting on Church Street where there is enough space to accommodate its mature size and spread relative to road clearance requirements. Pin Oak (Quercus palustris) remain the tree selected for planting along Monbulk Road.
- The Upright Crab Apple (Malus tschonoskii) proposed beneath the power lines along Church Street has been changed to a native plant – Lemon Scented Tea Tree (Leptospermum petersonii).
The works are programmed to commence on 20 August 2024.
View the tree works map for Kallista, and more details around Council's Street Tree Program
In Kallista township, the mature Oak trees planted in 1933 have local heritage significance. These trees are an example of the efforts of Progress Associations during the 1920s and 1930s to gather community support to beautify townships.
Since 2021, several of the mature oak trees along Monbulk Road, Kallista have been removed because of structural faults that posed a high risk to people and property.
Following engagement with community members and local groups in Kallista – including the Kallista Village Township Group, Kallista Flood Watch, local traders and a public petition, a Street Tree Concept has been developed to address the health and structure of the remaining trees along Monbulk Road and includes the planting of new oak trees to conserve the character and heritage of Kallista.
We are now encouraging community feedback on the plan before we finalise plans and undertake works.
Frequently asked questions
The three tree species proposed on this Street Tree Concept are;
Pin Oak – Quercus palustris
Mature Size (h x w): 15 x 8m
An impressive deciduous tree with good autumn colour, often used as a stately avenue tree.
Tupelo – Nyssa sylvatica ‘Forum’
Mature Size (h x w): 10 x 5m
A deciduous feature tree with a symmetrical form and consistently excellent autumn colour.
Upright Crab Apple – Malus tschonoskii
Mature Size (h x w): 7 x 4m
A small deciduous tree with an upright, narrow form and stunning autumn colour.
Pin Oaks are often planted as stately street trees on difficult sites where pollution, compacted soil, and roadside infrastructure make for challenging growing conditions. The tree form is upright and conical when young, which is suitable for maintaining vehicle clearance and driver sightlines along busy roads. Pin Oaks have dark green leaves with deep lobes, in autumn their red to bronze foliage, or sometimes scarlet in cooler areas, will complement the leaves of the existing Red Oaks.
Red Oaks have a broad and spreading crown and are ideal for large parks and gardens. As a street tree, Red Oaks are better suited to wide verges that can accommodate its broad spreading crown. New Red Oaks are not considered suitable to plant and establish given the current day conditions along the Monbulk Road verge, which are narrow and constrained.
Monbulk Road, Kallista is covered by a Heritage Overlay that cites the historical significance of the Oak trees planted in 1933. Planting new oak trees, as opposed to native or indigenous trees, keeps with the character of the town and conserves the integrity of the original tree plantings.
In 2023 Council commissioned an arborist assessment for existing trees within the project area. Some trees require remedial pruning to reduce the risk of branch failure occurring in the future. All pruning will be done with care by qualified arborists and per the Australian Standards for pruning amenity trees (AS 4373–2007)
Some trees are being removed because of poor health, structure, and/or short useful life expectancy. Where trees are removed, replacement planting is being undertaken wherever suitable.
The existing trees will be treated with systemic nutrient implants. The implants are delivered directly into the tree and remain safely contained within the cambium and sap wood delivering nutrients to the tree via sap flow for 1-2 years. The nutrient implants aim to reduce plant stress, enhance overall health and increase resistance to disease.
More about Councils Street Tree Program
Council undertakes maintenance for two years after planting until trees become established. Our maintenance involves watering trees during warmer months, weed control, re-mulching, adjusting tree stakes and ties, formative pruning, and replacing trees that are dead or sick. After two years, the trees will continue to receive formative pruning as required, to maintain sightlines and road clearance.
Council is committed to planting street trees to beautify our streetscapes, improve community health & wellbeing, and sustain the environment. Trees offer significant environmental, economic, and social benefits. Each year we plant and renew street trees in select built-up areas where tree canopy cover is lowest.
Read more about Yarra Ranges Street Tree Program
Report an issue with a tree on a roadside, reserve or on council land. Includes fallen trees, broken branches, leaning trees and trees with cracks through the trunk.
Click on the hotspots below to find out more about the proposed the Street Tree Concept for Monbulk Road and Sherbrooke Road, Kallista

Click on the hotspots below to find out more about the proposed the Street Tree Concept for Monbulk Road and Church Street, Kallista