
Story Lane Update

20 July 2021

Image of Story Lane in Warburton

There has been a lot of interest and feedback regarding the future of the laneway, known as Story Lane and access along Thomas Avenue.

This was discussed at the Council Meeting on 29 June 2021 and the following was agreed:

After considering feedback from extensive community consultation and receiving written and presented submissions as part of a Section 223 process, that Council:

1. Determines that the laneway between 3375 and 3377 Warburton Highway should be re-opened and remain open to traffic.

2. Removes the bollards which block and restrict vehicle access along the laneway between 3375 and 3377 Warburton Highway.

3. Investigate improvements to the turning facilities at the western end of Thomas Avenue.

4. Investigate improvements to the entrance to the laneway between 3375 and 3377 Warburton Highway.

5. Make necessary adjustments to car parking along Warburton Highway on either side of Story Lane, recognising that optimisation of car parking is needed for supporting the Township.

6 Undertake a review of parking along Thomas Avenue, including proposals for integration of car parking across the rear of properties and consideration for smart parking technology.

7. Refer improvement proposals to Council’s 10 year Capital Expenditure Program for consideration of the allocation of funding to undertake works identified.

A copy of the minutes from the meeting are available at

So what happens next?

Plans are being prepared to improve the entry to Story Lane from Warburton Highway. They will also formalise parking spaces along both sides of the Highway, between 3370 Warburton Highway and Brett Road, to increase the number of spaces available. The plans will be circulated to businesses and owners along Warburton Highway, prior to works being implemented.

Following the implementation of the line marking and associated signage changes, the bollards will be removed, to enable northbound movements to resume.

A design for a turning bowl at the western end of Thomas Avenue, will be developed together with relevant property owners and stakeholders. As Thomas Avenue is located close to the Yarra River, we will need to liaise with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELP) and Melbourne Water. Construction works will then be referred to the Councils 10 year Capital Expenditure Program for consideration of the allocation of funding. Council will also review signage at the entry to Thomas Avenue at Warburton Highway to deter access of larger vehicles.

Improvements to parking along Thomas Avenue will be progressed through the development of the Warburton Urban Design Framework, a key action of the Draft Warburton Place Plan (currently open for engagement see Warburton Place Plan | Shaping Yarra Ranges).

If you wish to discuss this matter further, please contact:

Karen O’Gorman

Coordinator Special Engineering Projects

Infrastructure Services

03 9294 6326