Thank you for sharing your thoughts

Thank you to everyone who contributed feedback to influence the final design.

You can see more details of this project on our website: McKenzie King Reserve Playspace Renewal

McKenzie King Playspace design plan

Final design, including softfall, equipment and picnic table

Community consultation

Proposed new playspace

We have developed a concept design incorporating the feedback given previously in this project.

The proposal for the playspace includes picnic area with seating, slides, swing set, footpath, softfall rubber, landscaping and partial fencing. There will be improved access with the inclusion of a new concrete access path.

We invited you to provide feedback on the playspace design, which was used to finalise the plans.

Click on the hotspots below to find out more, then share your feedback on this concept design.

Our consultation regarding the proposed concept design and received 13 comments. Some key items include:

  • Supporting proposed play equipment
  • More fences with gates
  • Shelter, Gazebo, Rotunda
  • Play equipment for more senior kids (eg. under 12 years)
  • Picnic tables with BBQ
  • More seating
  • Toilet
  • Fitness station

After reviewing the feedback, we have further developed a detailed design, which will include the following items:

  • Accessible path
  • Combination Play unit including slide, climbing and monkey bars
  • Set of swings: Nest, 1 flat and 1 high back seats
  • Spring Rocker
  • Seesaw
  • Rubber softfall areas
  • Fence along southern boundary
  • Native shrubs and groundcover plants
  • Informal play space with logs and rocks
  • Existing drinking fountain remain
  • Exiting picnic table and seat set refurbished

Due to limited construction budget a toilet will not be included.

What we heard

We heard from community members within Millgrove and surrounding suburbs close by that parks and playspaces are very important to you and your family's health and wellbeing. McKenzie King Playspace is commonly used for playing, health and fitness, and dog walking. It is a place where a child can learn new things, use their imagination and is a quiet spot to walk and be on your own.

'The reserve doesn’t currently feel inviting or safe, there is a strong need for heavy landscaping and fencing as a barrier to separate the reserve from the busy road.'

The park will now be fenced to the south

'Retain the current natural features particularly the oak tree and open space grassed areas to encourage nature play.'

A nature play ropes course for juniors has also been incorporated into the design.

'The playspace currently does not meet all needs and a diverse range of equipment to suit and entertain all ages is required' (including wheelchair access and disability communication). Swings, climbing frames/ropes and slides in the playspace were your most requested equipment.

New junior (suitable for toddlers) and senior equipment has been included in the design. The design incorporates more soft fall rubber for wheelchair accessibility as well as a new concrete access path.

'More seating and park furniture throughout the park is needed.'

A picnic area with seating has been included.

You would appreciate incorporating some Indigenous, local art and stories throughout the playspace.


McKenzie King Playspace, Millgrove was identified for playground renewal works and we recently asked for your suggestions before we began.

We’ve listened, and this helped inform the development of the designs for the Playspace, now open for your feedback.

Council worked with a landscape architect to develop designs addressing the key issues identified. The new design showcases many of the thoughts put forward by the community and aims to make the McKenzie King Playspace a safe, welcoming and fun area for all users.

Existing playspace and surrounds

Council uses the word playspace, instead of playground because it covers more than the equipment. It reflects the wide range of users, age groups and experiences of the community in the space.

This survey is looking for your feedback on how to improve McKenzie King playspace for the future. If you need to report damaged or missing playspace equipment or any other playspace issues/concerns about other playspaces in Yarra Ranges, please Report an issue with a playspace Yarra Ranges Council.

The existing playspace will be renewed in line with the recommendations within the Playspace Plan 2019-2029. As this is a local-level playspace, water play, public toilets, shelters and BBQ's along with formal skate and bike activity spaces cannot be accommodated as part of this scope of works.