
Construction Works Notification

19 January 2022

The upcoming road construction and sealing works along Heath Road, Grandview Road and Huon Road, Belgrave Heights are scheduled to commence the week beginning 31 January 2022 (subject to weather and staff availability due to the impact of Covid-19) and should take approximately 6 months to complete subject to favourable conditions.

Please be aware that while we will make every attempt to keep disruptions to a minimum, due to the nature and extent of the works there are likely to be some disruptions to access and traffic flow. This will occur during normal construction working hours from 7.30 am to 4.30 pm on weekdays.

Emergency access for local residents will remain a priority however; there will be occasions throughout the day when traffic flow will be temporarily halted for up to 15 minutes.

Where the proposed works affect a driveway, the affected area will be reinstated as close as possible to its current standard. The contractor undertaking the works will inform residents of any disruptions to driveway access during the works.

During this period could you please ensure no vehicles are left parked on the roadside when your household (or organisation) is left unattended.

As there will be workers and equipment operating in close proximity to traffic, for the safety of all we request that you:

  • Keep your speed under 40km/h;
  • Be prepared to stop as you approach the works; and
  • Follow directions given by works personnel and / or traffic controllers

As a matter of added safety, children are advised to keep away from the works throughout the duration.

During construction works, we request that:

  • People do not ride bicycles or walk on new concrete.
  • Motor vehicles do not drive over any new concrete for 3-5 days after pouring.
  • Heavy vehicles do not drive over any new concrete for 14 days after pouring.

Please inform any others within your household (or organisation) likely to be affected by these works of the above details.

Council has appointed Parkinson Group (Vic) Pty Ltd as the contractor for these works, with Jason Williams (0419 520 901) being the contractors project manager and contact person.

Should you have any queries regarding these works, you can contact Baharak Khouzani – Project Engineer on 1300 368 333.