Why is a People and Dogs in Parks Plan (PDPP) needed?

We recognise that dogs play a significant role within people’s lives and are often considered to be part of the family. As well as this, dogs encourage exercise and support mental health and wellbeing of owners. We understand the need to have safe places where dogs can be exercised off-leash, particularly with the diminishing size of private backyards. We also acknowledge the right of other users to have access to open areas without having dogs invade personal space.

Broad objectives are to:

  • Balance the needs for dogs in open space with the needs of the broader community
  • Provide a diversity of opportunities for dogs in open space.
  • Provide off-leash areas that are fit for purpose.
  • Plan for off-leash areas for existing and future populations.
  • Ensure environmental values and protections of open space are retained.
  • Improve education and regulation for dogs in open space.
  • Establish standards for dog off-leash areas.

What we heard

How did people get involved?

Residents in Yarra Ranges found out about the engagement and got involved in the following ways...

What we heard

  • Top budget picks

    Fences received the most votes (18%), with bins closely second (16%). Other priorities were Drinking Water Fountain and Seating.

    This theme was also seen at our pop-ups, with fences and bins/ poo bags being popular topics in our conversations.

  • Dog behaviour

    The most common response featured concerns of dogs not being sufficiently controlled.

    The need for education was also raised, both for dog owners (including etiquette and behaviour control) and non-dog owners (including locations of off-leash areas and approaching dogs)

  • Survey participants

    93% dog owners

    77% said more off-leash spaces are needed

    66% currently use off-leash spaces

What's next?

Following engagement responses, our team is continuing to work in the background to create the People and Dogs in Parks Plan.

You can also click the 'follow' button at the top of the page to sign up to Shaping Yarra Ranges and be kept in the loop with updates for this project.

Community engagement

Engagement now closed

Thanks for letting us know what you'd like to see in off-leash areas. Follow this page for updates.

Have questions? Come and chat to the team!

  • Wesburn Park

    Monday 29 July, 4.00- 5.30pm

  • Elizabeth Bridge Reserve, Kilsyth

    Tuesday 30 July, 8.00- 9.30am

  • Coronation Park, Healesville

    Tuesday 6 August, 4.00- 6.30pm

  • Lillydale Lake

    Thursday 8 August, 5.00- 6.30pm

  • Belgrave Lake Park

    Tuesday 13 August, 8.00- 9.30am