Thank you for sharing your thoughts

Thank you to everyone who contributed feedback to influence the final design.

You can see more details of this project on our website: Bluegum Playspace Renewal

Bluegum Reserve design plan

What we heard

We had 49 responses and this is how we have incorporated what we heard;

  • You like the range of seating options, but told us its a great spot for picnicking too.

We will now be adding a picnic table into the design.

  • You told us a spinner play item can be used by multiple users at once.

We will be including this in the design instead of the rocker.

  • You said we need to have equipment for young children and toddlers.

There will be junior play equipment, swings will include a toddler seat and the nature play will be geared to toddler

  • The nominated choice of tree for the site is Canberra Blue Gum.

Whilst this is not an indigenous tree, it is a native species and its name relates to ‘Bluegum Reserve'

  • You told us the site position and shade from the large tree provides adequate shade without installing a sun shade.
  • You voted for art based on the Bower Bird (eg. a nest / blue objects / stencilling / concreting options etc.)

We love this option too and will be seeking to collaborate with local artist/s for this.

  • You would like a new basketball hoop and court.

We will be retaining the existing plastic hoop for junior basketballers, and based on your feedback we will be adding a small concrete pad around this. Unfortunately we aren't able to include a new hoop and court in this plan, however there are great basketball facilities located nearby at Roma Reserve and the local primary school.

  • Water play, public toilets, shelters and BBQ's along with formal skate and bike activity spaces cannot be accommodated as part of this local level reserve scope of works. There will however be improved access from street parking with the inclusion of a new concrete path.

Community consultation

View the concept plan below

Please provide your feedback below


We developed a draft design incorporating the feedback given in Stage 1 of the Bluegum Drive Playspace, Badger Creek upgrade.

What you told us;

  • Bluegum Reserve Playspace is valued by the local community.
  • The site is commonly used by all ages for playing, walking and health and fitness.
  • The playspace currently does not meet your needs and requires a diverse range of equipment to suit and entertain all ages.
  • It is a safe area, away from traffic, with open grassed spaces.
  • More seating and park furniture throughout the park is needed.
  • A playspace design with natural structures, resources and nature play areas would be highly valued by the community.
  • The site is highly utilised to access the creek, you would like a formal path connecting down to the river.
  • Accessible play equipment would be highly valued at this site.
  • Landscape and garden beds are important to creating a welcome and inviting playspace.
  • Swings and slides in playspaces were your most requested playspace equipment.

Council uses the word playspace, instead of playground because it covers more than the equipment. It reflects the wide range of users, age groups and experiences of the community in the space.

The existing playspace was renewed in line with the recommendations within the Playspace Plan 2019-2029. As this is a local-level playspace, large infrastructure such as shelters, toilets and barbeques will not be provided.

After a second stage of consultation the project moved to construction stage.