Thank you for sharing your feedback around this playspace, we value your thoughts.

Follow this page to stay updated on the progress, we will have the draft design to share with you soon for your feedback!

Yarra Ranges Council will be developing a draft concept design for the playspaces at Bimbadeen Reserve, Mooroolbark in line with the recommendations within the Playspace Plan 2019-2029 and we would like your feedback before we begin.

This reserve is situated Bimbadeen Drive, Mooroolbark View Map

The existing play equipment is currently split over two locations within the reserve. As part of this renewal project, we are considering a more integrated approach to the playspace.

As this is a local-level playspace area, large infrastructure such as shelters, toilets and barbeques will not be provided.

The aim of this survey is to understand how you currently use the spaces and how you would like to see them developed to create a valued place for the community.

Once the feedback from the survey has been collected, Council will work with a team of consultants to develop a draft concept design which will then be advertised to the community during the second consultation phase for further feedback.

As part of this consultation stage, we will also be seeking feedback from local stakeholders including but not limited to;

  • Bimbadeen Pre-School,
  • Bimbadeen Heights Primary School,
  • Mooroolbark Umbrella Group
  • Mooroolbark Traders & Community Group

Click on the link at the top of the page to stay updated on this project.

Follow this page by clicking on the link at the top of the page to stay updated on this project.

Council uses the word playspace, instead of playground because it covers more than the equipment. It reflects the wide range of users, age groups and experiences of the community in the space.

This survey is looking for your feedback on how to improve this playspace for the future. If you need to report damaged or missing playspace equipment or any other playspace issues/concerns about other playspaces in Yarra Ranges, please Report an issue with a playspace Yarra Ranges Council.

The existing playspace will be renewed in line with the recommendations within the Playspace Plan 2019-2029. As this is a local-level playspace, large infrastructure such as water play, public toilets, shelters and BBQ's along with formal skate and bike activity spaces cannot be accommodated in the scope of these works.