Belgrave South Recreation Reserve Preliminary Survey - Results

How did people get involved in the survey?

Open and closed in March 2021

What you told us and what we did with it

280 people completed the survey which provided Council with an overview of how the space is currently being used and the communities future wants and needs. This feedback was then used in submissions to advocate and secure funding for the delivery of the project.
  • Current usage

    Weekly use of the space consists of

    42% for structured sports (netball, football, cricket)

    46% for health and fitness and for socialising

    with others visiting the playground and to view the wildlife.

  • Feeling safe in the space

    While 64% of respondents indicated feeling safe within the reserve in the daytime, this number changed dramatically in the evening and night time to just 37% of respondents feeling safe in the reserve.

  • Improvements and new facility options

    69% of respondents suggested a new skateboarding area.

    There was also strong sentiment towards dog socialising facilities with 26%, exercise equipment with 28%, basketball/netball half court with 21% and also 20% of respondents would like to retain an area for general use.

  • Improved lighting and paths

    88% of respondents were in support of improving pathways, lighting and linking the two interconnecting roads through the reserve.

  • Improving the space behind the netball pavilion

    67% of respondents were in support of improving the appearance and usage of the space behind the netball pavilion.

  • Youth-led street art instalment

    61% of respondents supported a proposal to engage with youth and local street artists to develop and commission artwork alongside the netball pavilion.