Thank you for your feedback on what you would like to see at 150 Cambridge Road. These ideas have been considered in the development of the Draft Concept Plan for the site, which is now open for community consultation.

Read more about the feedback received during the community engagement held in September - October 2023

This draft concept plan aims to support revegetation of native and Indigenous plants, public open spaces and strengthen the treed character of old Kilsyth, all themes we heard during consultation.

We could not accommodate everything that was requested. Elements included were based on community support, the fit for the natural woodland theme, and youth activity opportunities. We also were mindful of not duplicating facilities already available nearby or those better suited to other sites.

Click on the hotspots below to find out more about the proposed elements in this concept design.

Please note that photos of elements are indicative only

  • Meandering paths: Networks throughout the newly planted woodland featuring indigenous and native trees, low plants and grasses, providing connections to Elizabeth Bridge Reserve.
  • Gathering and education space: A multi-use space around the feature Manna Gum tree. Indigenous educational opportunity for schools and community groups, complemented by new Indigenous sensory gardens and landscaping.
  • Native grasslands: Maintaining views to the Dandenong Ranges
  • Seasonal water feature: A dry-wet pond to capture water run-off and provide habitat for frogs etc.
  • Bike jump park: New space through a wooded area, to provide an immersive loop for many skill levels.
  • Nature play areas: Nature-based play opportunities through the woodlands.
  • Upgrade the carpark areas: Including accessible parking bays, new tree planting and improvements to support the anticipated increased usage of the reserve.
  • Picnic area: With covered shelter, tables and seating. Accessible and suitable for all community members to meet and socialise.
  • Multi-purpose half court: Suitable for a range of different ball sports
  • Public toilet: New accessible facilities to support anticipated usage of the reserve.
  • Quiet activity area: Relaxing area for people to take time out and immerse themselves in the natural surroundings with friends and family.

What happens next

We will reflect on the responses provided to this concept design, and modify as appropriate.

The bulk of the works proposed do not currently have funding. The development of the concept plan involving community consultation and Council support for the design, will underpin future grant and Council funding applications.

However, to get the ball rolling on this project, we will be doing some early landscape works in keeping with the community ideas and feedback previously received. These minor early works, in the northwest corner of the site, will be minimal (paths, seating, trees and shrubs) to enable the community to start using the area for passive recreation, such as a resting point during the circuit walk, waiting for the school bus or enjoying a morning coffee break with friends!

We are planning a community planting day as part of the early landscape works to celebrate the journey of this project so far. Follow this page - by clicking on the link at the top - to be kept updated!